Databases are important to almost every business. Most things you can do in a spreadsheet, you can probably do better in a database and it’s frustrating to see so many businesses get bogged down in trying to manage data in spreadsheets when a simple database application would be so much more useful and easier to manage over time. There are some good products out there to help address this and one of the most user-friendly and often-recommended solutions that we support is FileMaker Pro.
FileMaker is a cross-platform database tool for deploying custom apps to the desktop, mobile devices and to the cloud. Full-Nelson has developed numerous FileMaker Pro solutions and we can help you determine if a custom database application will make a difference in the way you manage your data.
Knack is another excellent database tool for rapid deployment and integration of a database solution with your website. Knack’s templates and feature set will have you up and running with a custom database solution in no time flat and their cloud-based subscripton model means there is no need for expensive, on-site software or server maintenance either. Let us show you how to integrate Knack with other applications, payment gateways and data collection tools to build and deploy your own customer portal or other web database application.
And even though it’s not quite a traditional database application, we’re including Airtable here as another data management tool that offers a slick cloud-based interface for group collaboration. If you are used to trying to manage data in simple spreadsheets, Airtable may offer some features worth checking out. Full-Nelson can help you build out an Airtable solution set in a hurry using many off-the-shelf templates.
Contact us today for a free estimate to develop a database application specifically geared to helping you run your business more effectively and efficiently.